OnTrack Events

OnTrack Events for Make-a-Wish

We and our customers understand how fortunate we are, so we are very happy to help the children of Make a Wish achieve their dreams.

At OnTrack Events, we combine three passions into one unforgettable experience: people, business, and cars. Our organisation is dedicated to connecting entrepreneurs, freelancers, and companies who share a passion for the thrilling world of cars and motorsports. We believe that sharing this passion provides the perfect foundation for valuable business and personal connections and memorable events.

On Thursday, August 22nd 2024, while the brake discs glow on the legendary Zolder circuit, we invite you to experience the action up close. From our VIP room, you will have access to the heart of the action, allowing you to enjoy the excitement while networking in style with like-minded professionals from various sectors.

Additionally, this event serves a greater purpose as a fundraiser to support the children of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, combining our passions with the noble goal of making dreams come true for those who need our support.

During the rest of the year, we organise events where fun and adrenaline are combined with business and opportunity. Every time, we take the Make-A-Wish organisation with us in our minds, in our hearts and in our wallets.



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Make-A-Wish® gelooft in de helende kracht van wensen. Daarom vervullen wij de hartenwens van kinderen tussen 3 en 18 jaar met een levensbedreigende medische aandoening om zo hen kracht te geven de strijd tegen de ziekte verder te zetten. Want als een kind kan geloven dat zijn wens uitkomt, dan kan het ook geloven dat hij beter wordt.